
Monday, September 27, 2010

This and That?!?!

I will be playing around with the format of the blog for this week. So if anyone is reading this hang in there and let me finish my work. Thanks for stoping by, here are some random pics.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IGG Dungeon

I went down to IGG dungeon for the first time this morning with Rat, Jha, and our new member Casua (52 DK). It was fun, we killed Diamond Golem and the Maino Shaman, both had lots of HPs.

The second screenshot is just for fun. I got that from the Astrologer poly yesterday. Fun looking morph, but it was beyond useless.

Test Post

Hi friends! I had the idea of restarting a blog for our BP so I just took it and ran with it. For now, it'll be FriarJoe and I posting, but hopefully more members will join us soon =)